easyoga 台中美園道生活概念館

一種新的理想生活 ˙ 生活由瑜伽造就 - Yoga tobe
國際運動時尚樂活服飾品牌easyoga,以推廣運動樂活及宣揚環保永續為品牌核心,以自我時尚、綠色概念及專業設計為品牌價值,期許營造一種「生活由瑜伽造就- Yoga tobe」的自在樂活氛圍。
自專業瑜伽服飾延伸至樂活運動系列,如慢跑、單車、舞蹈、網球等專業機能服飾,同時也以環境永續概念另外拓展舒適質感的生活休閒款式,全方位融入每一個人的生活旅行中,Perfecting your Life !
原創美學 ˙ 自然時尚
自我風格創造出自在的設計美學與大自然意象共融,蘊涵著生活態度(Lifestyle)及運動時尚(Sports - Trend)做故事性結合,重新詮釋運動時尚與細緻的新概念。
海外足跡遍布日本、韓國、中國、香港等13國,積極參與國際公益組織與活動 - 1% for the Planet國際綠色環保組織、Yoga Classic Input Project瑜伽數位典藏計畫,持續地向崇尚健康生活的人們傳遞理想生活的態度。
全球官網: www.easyoga.com
互動式體驗 ˙ 鏈結在地文化與生活
當品牌開始往內探究核心理念,發現更重要的是凝聚人與人、人與自然間的共生情感。easyoga透過開放式的體驗活動,透過如瑜伽生活節、亞洲最大專業瑜伽研討會Asia Yoga Conference、Yogafest Yokohama、國際大師瑜伽工作坊與生活概念各式講座等,傳遞easyoga對自然永續、時尚美學平衡的新思維,透過國際市場的在地力量與樂活族群做緊密連結,期許帶給喜愛運動樂活的人們更多元的生活體驗。
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/easyoga.cn
Instagram: https://instagram.com/easyoga
*台北華山 Tel:+886-2-2321-1283 Add:台北市中正區八德路一段1號
*台中美術園道 Tel:+886-4-2378-5108 Add:台中市西區五權西三街91號
*Shanghai上海 Tel:+86-2132569289 Add:上海區長寧區劍河路598號
*Japan日本 Tel:03-3461-6355 Add:30-18-701,Sakuragaokacho,Shibuya-ku,Tokyo 150-0031
*Korea韓國 Tel:+822-511-2417 Add:1F World B/D 655-6 Sinsa-Dong Gangnam-Gu Seoul
*Thailand泰國 Tel:081-702-9575 Add:D6 Amarin Plaza, Ploenchit Road, Lumpini, Pratumwan, Bangkok, 10330
*Hong Kong香港 Tel:+852-2983-2130 Add: 2/F, 17 Yun Pimg Road, Causeway Bay.
easyoga, is a strong, consummate, and exceptionally fashionable athletic and LOHAS sport leading brand. Our main inspiration from our apparel is to utilize unique asymmetric tailoring to enhance comfort, durability and functionality.
easyoga, by means of never-ending and creative design styles, aims to help you pursue a lifestyle philosophy that will lead you to a happy and healthy life. We continue to help spread and develop the enthusiasm and influence that yoga and exercise has on our lives.
easyoga holds the highest standards in material quality and manufacturing methods while also concentrating on embodying comfortable and perfect design concepts. We believe the beauty comes when it touches one’s mind and original aesthetic brings a new born gratification.
Our designs persist on the original energies rooted in simplicity and primitiveness, featuring the skin-sensitive and dry-fit performances. We expect to overstep the traditional definitions of style and fashion, and bring about new ideals: Perfecting your life!
By utilizing new technologies, easyoga is leading the way towards a more environmentally friendly future. Our ideals are centered about balance and health, and also believe that both can be achieved through harmony with nature. We strive to consider the environment and social implications of everything that we do, in order to promote sustainability and ethical practices. So easyoga has teamed up with The Yoga Classics Input Project (ancient yoga wisdom freely distribute and preserve) and 1% for the Planet (environmental organization) to support them in their important work as well as promoting their goals to demonstrate our commitment to a wider range of yogis and LOHAS group.
eayoga is passionate about creating awareness of the yoga lifestyle. We believe one’s ability to influence more than just the way people look. Through every event such as Taipei Yoga Life Festival, The biggest international yoga conference in Asia (Asia yoga conference and Yogafest Yokohama) and several Guru’s workshops and lectures, we are able to help expand the philosophy of living healthy, balanced lives. easyoga expect to help everyone create more value in their own lives through our ideals, so that we can all enjoy doing the things that we love the most.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/easyoga?fref=ts
Instagram: https://instagram.com/easyoga
||Global Concept Store||
*Taipei Tel:+886-2-2321-1283 Add: No.1, Sec. 1, Bade Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
* Taichung Tel:+886-4-2378-5108 Add: No.91, Wuquan W. 3rd St., West Dist., *Taichung City 403, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
*Shanghai Tel:+86-021-3256-9289 Add: No,598 JianHe Road,Changning District, Shanghai, China
*Japan Tel:03-3461-6355 Add:30-18-701,Sakuragaokacho,Shibuya-ku,Tokyo 150-0031
*Korea Tel:+822-511-2417 Add:1F World B/D 655-6 Sinsa-Dong Gangnam-Gu Seoul
*Thailand Tel:081-702-9575 Add:D6 Amarin Plaza, Ploenchit Road, Lumpini, Pratumwan, Bangkok, 10330
*Hong Kong Tel:+852-2983-2130 Add: 2/F, 17 Yun Pimg Road, Causeway Bay.
easyoga HauShan Concept Store (Taipei)
Tel: +886-2- 2321-1283
Add: No.1, Sec. 1, Bade Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
easyoga Art Museum Park Concept Store (Taichung)
Tel: +886-4-2378-5108
Add: No.91, Wuquan W. 3rd St., West Dist., Taichung City 403, Taiwan (R.O.C.)